It is officially Spring.
okay, so it's snowing.
Just Mother Nature's odd sense of humor.
In the Fall when i have to put my garden to bed,
I feel the long, grey stretch of Winter ahead.
Despite the cold, dreary months, I spend time
watching my garden, checking on newcomers and
oldtimers, making sure they are going to make
it through the frost and chill.
Last week I pruned my Roses, cleared away
dead growth from perennials and shrubs.
I lugged my planters out of storage,
turned on the hoses, and best of all,
the outdoor shower.
It's Garden season for me going back.
Bring on the Pansies!
Happy,happy first day of Spring! I just discovered your "blog" and have spent the most wonderful hour with you and Bear. Oh, I am so lucky to have this job!!!
Love you Amy Fonda Sara!
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