Our new neighbor is open for business.
The space is huge... open ,clean, simple,
airy, welcoming and not yet finished.
They have big plans for engaging the neighborhood
in their passion for food...
socials, cooking classes, demonstrations.
Excellent, we think.
All the Zuzus lit right up at the idea of cooking classes together.
When we went in to deliver our Welcome Amaryllis
Carol was behind the counter on her laptop.
She gave us the current newly printed out Menu of The Day.
Delicious and Interesting.
In the refrigerator cases, attractively packaged,
are all the ingredients for a restaurant quality meal.
Soups, Salads, Entrees, Desert.
Steak Au Poivre with Potatoes/ 2-3 servings.
Ingredients are uncooked but flavored.
Instructions on the package are clear .
Cooking time is within a half hour.
So, what we have here is
Mix and Match Gourmet Take Out/Cook In.
Very Nice.